Wednesday 10 June 2009

The Sims 3 Cheats

Cheat Effect
motherlode - While on the lot, entering this will give you $50,000.

kaching - While on the lot, entering this will give you $1,000.

moveobjects on/off - With this On, it will allow you to move anything, including Sims, in your Buy/Build mode.

help - Lists all available commands at the moment.

jokePlease - Gives you a joke in the code console prompt.

quit - Like it says, quits the game.

fps on/off - Shows your Frame per Second in the upper right area while on.

testingcheatsenabled true - Turns on Testing Cheats, just shift+click a Sim, or anything else, like your Mailbox.

enableLlamas [on/off] - Gives a message that says, "Llamas enabled."

resetSim - Resets the named Sim with neutral motives, no moodlets, and teleports Sim back home.

constrainFloorElevation [true/false] - Allows all terrain adjustments regardless of objects, Sims, and other structures on them. Walls, fl oors, and objects will move with the terrain.

disableSnappingToSlotsOnAlt [on/off] - When on, objects will not snap to slots while holding alt.

hideHeadlineEffects [on/off] Hides all meters and effects in the game, such as the plumbbob and skill meter.

fadeObjects [on/off] - Toggles whether objects fade when the camera gets close to them.

slowMotionViz - Puts the game in slow motion. Optional parameter, value 0 = normal speed and 8 = slowest.

unlockOutfits on/off - Unlocks outfits in CAS (Create a Sim) mode. This must be enabled before going into CAS.

fullscreen on/off - Adjusts your game screen to full or windowed mode.

familyFunds - add any money amount to the family.

freerealestate - Bypass money amount needed to buy a house for a family

Monday 25 May 2009

Half-Life 2 Cheats

Cheat Effect
God - God Mode (Server side only)

buddha - Health never goes below 1

Hurtme # - Damages player by whatever variable you input as #
impulse 101 - All Weapons

impulse 82 -Spawn a Jeep

notarget -Invisible to NPC's

noclip - Ability to walk through walls (Server Side Only)

maps - Displays Map listing

Map # - Load Map (Input title in place of #)

Developer # - Sets developer mode to on/off/verbose (0-off, 1-on, 2-verbose)

+mlook - Enables mouse look

give # - Give weapon (Input weapon name in place of #)

hud_quickhelp/text? 1 - Shows Crosshairs

viewmodel_fov # - Adjusts size of the weapon you're carrying (54 = default)

exec # - Execute a script file (Input filename in place of #)

cl_drawhud 1 - Toggle HUD display On

cl_enablehud 1 - Toggle HUD display On

cl_showfps 1 - Shows FPS Rate

npc_create - Creates an NPC

npc_create_aimed - Creates an NPC (Aiming away from player)

picker - Toggles Picker mode on

setpos - Move player to specified origin

setang - Snap players eyes to a specified pitch yaw

sv_gravity # - Set Gravity (Add number in place of #)

sv_stopspeed # - Set Minimum Stopping Speed on ground (Add number in place of #)

sv_friction # - Set World Friction (Add number in place of #)

sv_bounce # - Sets bounce multiplier for physically simulated object collisions

sv_maxvelocity # - Sets Maximum Velocity of any moving object (Add number in place of #)

sv_waterdist # - Set Vertical View when eyes are near water plane.

air_density # - Change the density of air. (Add number in place of #)

dsp_explosion_effect_duration # - Set length of confusion/ear-ringing effect(Add number in place of #)

prop_debug -Toggle bounding-boxes debug mode on/off red - ignore damage, white - respond to damage, green - health)

sv_soundemitter_filecheck - Toggle reporting missing .wav files for sounds

mat_numtextureunits # - Limit the number of texture units. (Add number in place of #) (0=Default)

sv_cheats 1 - Activates Cheats

impulse 76 - Grunt-O-Matic

give weapon_shotgun - Recieve a Shotgun

thirdperson - Third Person View

firstperson - First Person View

mat_depthbias_normal 1 - See through walls

ai_disable - toggles enemy AI on/off

sv_infinite_aux_power 1 - gives infinite power for sprinting, etc.

impulse 203 - removes the item or NPC pointed at

mat_fullbright 1 - removes all shadows (a 0 restores them)

skill # - change skill level (# = 1, 2, or 3)

status - shows some game info, incl. current map

help $ - replace $ with a command to get a brief description of it

sk_max_357 # - # is new max ammo for .357 Magnum

sk_max_ar2 # - # is new max ammo for Pulse Rifle

sk_max_ar2_altfire # - # is new max ammo for Pulse Rifle energy orbs

sk_max_buckshot # - # is new max ammo for shotgun

sk_max_crossbow # - # is new max ammo for crossbow

sk_max_grenade # - # is new max ammo for hand grenades

sk_max_pistol # - # is new max ammo for pistol

sk_max_rpg_round # - # is new max ammo for RPG

sk_max_smg1 # - # is new max ammo for submachine gun

sk_max_smg1_grenade # - # is new max ammo for SMG grenades

sv_unlockedchapters # - unlocks chapters 1 thru # (15 is end credits)

sk_plr_dmg_pistol # - # is new damage value for pistol

sk_plr_dmg_357 # - # is new damage value for .357 Magnum

sk_plr_dmg_ar2 # - # is new damage value for Pulse Rifle

sk_plr_dmg_buckshot # - # is new damage value for shotgun

sk_plr_dmg_crossbow # - # is new damage value for crossbow

sk_plr_dmg_crowbar # - # is new damage value for crowbar

sk_plr_dmg_grenade # - # is new damage value for grenades

sk_plr_dmg_rpg_round # - # is new damage value for RPG rockets

sk_plr_dmg_smg1 # - # is new damage value for submachine gun

sk_plr_dmg_smg1_grenade # - # is new damage value for SMG grenades

getpos - can be used to get current coords for use with setpos

cl_showpos 1 - brings up position display in top right of screen (0 removes it)

sv_infinite_aux_power 1 - gives infinite power for sprinting, etc.

mat_fullbright 1 - removes all shadows (a 0 restores them)

impulse 203 - removes the item or NPC pointed at

sk_max_smg1 # - # is new max ammo for submachine gun

net_graph 1 - a more thorough fps display

impulse 83 - Spawn an Air Boat

cl_ragdoll_collide 1 - Enables ragdolls that don't clip through each other, but stack realistically on one another.

physcannon_maxforce # - Changes how hard you propel objects

physcannon_maxmass # - Changes how large pulled objects can be

physcannon_pullforce # - Changes how quickly objects are pulled

physcannon_tracelength # - Changes the length that objects can be pulled from

physcannon_cone # - Changes the radius of the cone used to pick up objects

weapon_357 - .357 Magnum

weapon_ar2 - Overwatch Standard Issue Pulse Rifle

weapon_bugbait - Pherapods

weapon_crossbow - Crossbow

weapon_crowbar -Crowbar

weapon_frag - Fragmentation Grenade

weapon_physcannon - Zero Point Energy Field Manipulator Gun

weapon_pistol - 9mm Pistol

weapon_rpg - Rocket-Propelled Grenade Launcher

weapon_shotgun - 12-Gauge Shotgun

weapon_smg1 - Submachine Gun

sk_plr_num_shotgun_pellets # - Increases pellets fired from each shotgun shell. 100 works well. 1000+ and it lags.

sk_max_buckshot # - Raises your max number of shells to that number.

sk_plr_dmg_buckshot # - Raises damage done by each pellet.

give item_battery - Increases suit charge by 15 points.

give weapon_annabelle - gives you Father Gregori's modified shotgun

give item_ammo_357 - Spawns ammo for the .357 magnum

give item_ammo_crossbow - Spawns ammo for the crossbow

give item_box_mrounds -Spawns primary fire ammo for the submachinegun

give item_ar2_grenade - Spawns grenades for the submachinegun, oddly enough..........

give item_rpg_round OR give item_ml_grenade - Spawns grenades for the RPG

give item_box_srounds - Spawns ammo for the 9mm pistol

give item_ammo_ar2 - Spawns primary fire ammo for the Overwatch Pulse Rifle

give item_box_buckshot - Spawns shells for the 12-gauge shotgun

give item_ammo_ar2_altfire - Spawns energy grenade for the Overwatch Pulse Rifle

sk_npc_dmg_shotgun # - NPC's do # damage with shotgun

sk_npc_dmg_smg1 # - NPC's do # damage with the smg

sk_npc_dmg_ar2 # - NPC's do # damage with the pulse rifle

mat_yuv 1 - black-and-white mode

host_timescale # - Changes the speed of the game (for slow-mo/fast-mo) (# < 1 =" slower,"> 1 = faster).

Kill - You die.

ch_createjeep - Make a jeep

ch_createairboat - Makes an airboat

crosshair 0 - Disables Crosshair

shake - Creates an earthquake.

r_screenoverlay effects/combine_binocoverlay.vmt - Gives you combine vision during gameplay.

r_screenoverlay effects/tp_eyefx/tp_eyefx.vmt - Gives you weird vision during gameplay.

item_healthvial - Gives you the small health vial (10HP)

item_healthkit - Gives you the large health kit (25HP)

mat_yuv 0 - Enables Color Mode

cl_enablehud 0 - Toggles HUD off.

cl_drawhud 0 - Toggles HUD off.

sv_unlockedchapters # (Note: 15 is end credits) - Unlock chapters 1 thru #

give item_suit - Gives you the HEV Suit

give weapon_physcannon - Gives you Gravity Gun

physcannon_megacannon 1 - Makes your Gravity Gun a Super Gravity Gun

npc_create_equipment weapon_shotgun - NPC spawns equipped with a shotgun.

npc_create_equipment weapon_smg1 - NPC spawns equipped with a SMG.

npc_create_equipment weapon_ar2 - NPC spawns equipped with a pulse rifle.

npc_create_equipment weapon_crowbar - NPC spawns equipped with a crowbar.

npc_create_equipment weapon_RPG - NPC spawns equipped with a RPG rocket launcher.

Map codes

Enter these with the 'map' code in the console. Press ~ to activate the console.
Cheat Effect
d1_canals_01 - Spawns you in the canals.

d1_town_01 - Spawns you in Ravenholm

d1_trainstation_01 - Spawns you in train station

d1_under_01 - Spawns you in lab

d2_coast_01 - Spawns you on the coast (Vehicle)

d2_prison_01 - Spawns you in Nova Prospekt

d3_c17_01 - Spawns you in the city 17 rebellion

d1_canals_02 - Spawns you deeper in the canals.

d1_under_02 - Spawns you in the lab chapter after the second load point.

d1_trainstation_05 - Spawns in the train station after the third load point.

d1_trainstation_03 - Spawns in the train station after the second load point.

d1_trainstation_02 - Spawns you in train station after the first load point.

d1_town_05 - Spawns you near the end of Ravenholm.

d1_town_04 - Spawns you in Ravenholm after the third load point area.

d1_town_03 - Spawns you in Ravenholm after the second load point area.

d1_town_02 - Spawns you in Ravenholm after the first load point area.

d1_canals_end - Spawns you near the end of the canals.

d1_under_03 - Spawns you in the lab chapter after the third load point.

d1_under_04 - Spawn the lab chapter near the end.

d2_coast_02 - Spawns you in the coast area after the first load point.

d2_coast_03 - Spawns you in the coast area after the second load point.

d2_coast_04 - Spawns you in the coast area after the third load point.

d2_coast_05 - Spawns you in the coast area after the fourth load point.

d2_coast_06 - Spawns you in the coast area after the fifth load point.

d2_coast_07 - Spawns you in the coast area after the sixth load point.

d2_coast_08 - Spawns you in the coast area near the end of it.

d2_prison_02 - Spawns you in Nova Prospekt after the first load point.

d2_prison_03 - Spawns you in Nova Prospekt after the second load point.

d2_prison_05 - Spawns you in Nova Prospekt near the end of the level.

d2_prison_04 - Spawns you in Nova Prospekt after the third load point.

d2_coast_09 - Spawns you in the coast area after the eighth load point.

d2_coast_10 - Spawns you in the coast area after the ninth load point.

d2_coast_11 - Spawns you in the coast area after the tenth load point.

d2_coast_12 - Spawns you near the end of the coast area.

d1_canals_03 - Spawns in you in the canals after the second load point.

d1_canals_04 - Spawns in you in the canals after the third load point.

d1_canals_05 - Spawns in you in the canals after the fourth load point.

d1_canals_06 - Spawns in you in the canals after the fifth load point.

d1_canals_07 - Spawns in you in the canals after the sixth load point.

d1_canal_08 - Spawns in you in the canals after the seventh load point.

d1_canal_09 - Spawns in you in the canals after the eighth load point.

d1_canal_10 - Spawns in you in the canals after the ninth load point.

d1_canals_11 - Spawns in you in the canals after the tenth load point.

d1_canals_12 - Spawns in you in the canals after the eleventh load point.

d1_canals_13 - Spawns in you in the canals close to the end.

d3_c17_04 - Spawns you in City 17 after the third load point.

d3_c17_03 - Spawns you in City 17 after the second load point.

d3_c17_02 - Spawns you in City 17 after the first load point.

d3_citadel_05 - Spawns you at the end of the Citadel.

d3_citadel_04 - Spawns you after the third load point in the Citadel.

d3_citadel_03 - Spawns you after the second load point in the Citadel.

d3_citadel_02 - Spawns you after the first load point in the Citadel.

d3_citadel_01 - Spawns you near the beginning of the Citadel.

d2_prison_08 - Spawns you near the end of Nova Prospekt.

d2_prison_07 - Spawns you in Nova Prospekt after the sixth load point.

d2_prison_06 - Spawns you in Nova Prospekt after the fifth load point.

d1_trainstation_06 - Spawns you near the end of the train station.
d1_eli_02 - Spawns you in Eli's Lab.

d1_eli_01 - Spawns you after the canal, outside of Eli's Lab.

d3_c17_05 - Spawns you in City 17 after the fourth load point.

d3_c17_06 - Spawns you in City 17 after the fifth load point.

d3_c17_07 - Spawns you in City 17 after the sixth load point.

d3_c17_08 - Spawns you in City 17 after the seventh load point.

d3_c17_09 - Spawns you in City 17 after the eighth load point.

d3_c17_10 - Spawns you in City 17 after the ninth load point.

d3_c18_11 - Spawns you in City 17 after the tenth load point.

credits - Starts you at the credits

intro - Starts you at the games Intro.

d1_breen_01 - Spawns you at the beginning of Chapter 13.

d3_c17_13 - Spawns you near the end of City 17.

d3_c17_12 - Spawns you in City 17 after the eleventh load point.

Sunday 17 May 2009

Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock Cheats

Cheat Effect
OBOYOBOY - Hyperspeed
(GR) (GR) (GR) (RY) (RY) (RB) (RB) (YB) (YO) (YO) (GR) (GR) (GR) (RY) (RY) (RB) (RB) (YB) (YO) (YO) - Precision Mode

(RY) (RB) (RO) (RB) (RY) (GB) (RY) (RB) - Performance Mode

(YO) (RB) (RO) (GB) (RY) (YO) (RY) (RB) (GY) (GY) (YB) (YB) (YO) (YO) (YB)YR(RY)RYO - Unlock All Songs

(YB) (GY) (GY) (RB) (RB) (RY) (RY) (YB) (GY) (GY) (RB) (RB) (RY) (RY) (GY) (GY) (RY) (RY) - Air Guitar

(GR) B (GR) (GY) B (GY) (RY) O (RY) (GY) Y (GY) (GR) - No Fail (does not work in career mode)


(GR_BO) (GRYB_) (GRY_O) (G_BYO) (GRYB_) (_RYBO) (GRYB_) (G_YBO) (GRYB_) (GRY_O) (GRY_O) (GRYB_) (GRY_O) - Unlock Everything (uses 4-note chords, no sound will play)

(GR) (GY) (YB) (RB) (BO) (YO) (RY) (RB) - Easy Expert (makes the timing window bigger for hitting notes, Cannot be used in single career mode.)

Through the Fire and Flames

To unlock this song, you must defeat Lou in the final guitar battle on any difficulty. The song will then be unlocked for all difficulties in the bonus song list.
Secret Guitars

To unlock these guitars, you must complete these tasks. You must complete these tasks in career mode.

Unlockable How to Unlock

"Moon Shot" Guitar - Complete Career Mode On Easy

"Bat" Guitar - 5-Star Every Song On Easy

"Saint George" Guitar - Complete Career Mode On Medium

"Jolly Roger" Guitar - 5-Star Every Song On Medium

"Rojimbo" Guitar - Complete Career Mode On Hard

"Tiki" Guitar - 5-Star Every Song On Hard

"Distant Visitor" Guitar - Complete Career Mode On Expert

"El Jefe" Guitar - 5-Star Every Song On Expert

"Nemisis 13" Guitar - Complete Co-Op Career Mode On Any Difficulty

"Beach Life" Bass - Complete Co-Op Career Mode On Hard

"PendulAxe' Bass - Complete Co-Op Career Mode On Expert

"Neversoft Skateboard" Guitar - 5-star Co-Op Career Mode On Expert

Unlockable characters

Unlockable How to Unlock

Tom Morello - Beat the Tom Morello boss battle and buy in unlock shop for $10,000

Slash - Beat the Slash boss battle and buy in unlock shop for $10,000

Lou - Beat the Lou boss battle and buyin unlock shop for $15,000

Sunday 10 May 2009

Contra & Cheats

Cheat Effect
At the Title Screen press Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start. -30 Lives

At the title screen, press and hold the A & B buttons simultaneously and push Start. -Sound Mode (JPN Only)

If you die in a two player game, hold down A and B simultaneously - Steal life from partner

Tuesday 21 April 2009

Resident Evil 5 Cheats

Unlockable How to Unlock
Completed Chapter 1 - 1 (15) - Complete Chapter 1 - 1 on any difficulty setting.
Completed Chapter 1 - 2 (15) - Complete Chapter 1 - 2 on any difficulty setting.
Completed Chapter 2 - 1 (15) - Complete Chapter 2 - 1 on any difficulty setting.
Completed Chapter 2 - 2 (15) - Complete Chapter 2 - 2 on any difficulty setting.
Completed Chapter 2 - 3 (15) - Complete Chapter 2 - 3 on any difficulty setting.
Completed Chapter 3 - 1 (15) - Complete Chapter 3 - 1 on any difficulty setting.

Completed Chapter 3 - 2 (15) Complete Chapter 3 - 2 on any difficulty setting.
Completed Chapter 3 - 3 (15) Complete Chapter 3 - 3 on any difficulty setting.
Completed Chapter 4 - 1 (15) Complete Chapter 4 - 1 on any difficulty setting.
Completed Chapter 4 - 2 (15) Complete Chapter 4 - 2 on any difficulty setting.
Completed Chapter 5 - 1 (15) Complete Chapter 5 - 1 on any difficulty setting.
Completed Chapter 5 - 2 (15) Complete Chapter 5 - 2 on any difficulty setting.
Completed Chapter 5 - 3 (15) Complete Chapter 5 - 3 on any difficulty setting.
Completed Chapter 6 - 1 (15) Complete Chapter 6 - 1 on any difficulty setting.
Completed Chapter 6 - 2 (15) Complete Chapter 6 - 2 on any difficulty setting.
Completed Chapter 6 - 3 (15) Complete Chapter 6 - 3 on any difficulty setting.
Recruit (15) - Complete all chapters on Amateur.
Soldier (15) - Complete all chapters on Normal.
Veteran (30) - Complete all chapters on Veteran.
War Hero (70) - Complete all chapters on the most difficult setting.
Egg Hunt (15) - Find all 4 types of eggs.
All Dressed Up (30) - Purchase all available alternative costumes in Bonus Features.

Stockpile (30) - Obtain all available weapons.
Take It to the Max (30) - Completely upgrade all weapons.
They Belong in a Museum (30) - Obtain all treasures in the game.
Badge of Honor (30) - Find all the BSAA emblems.
They're ACTION Figures! (30) - Collect all the figurines.
A Friend in Need (15) - Save partner 10 times when HELP is displayed.
Lifeguard (15) - Save partner 10 times when DYING is displayed.
Exploding Heads (15) - Pull off 20 headshots.
A Cut Above (15) - Defeat 5 enemies with the Knife.
Cattle Prod (15) - Defeat 30 enemies with the Stun rod.
Crowd Control (15) - Defeat 30 enemies with the Gatling gun.
Bull's-eye (15) - Defeat 30 enemies with the Longbow.
Get Physical (15) - Defeat 20 enemies with physical attacks.
The Works (15) - Chain the maximum number of combos together in one go.
Lead Aspirin (30) - Defeat a Majini with a headshot while it's jumping.
Fireworks (15) - Shoot an enemy Molotov cocktail, dynamite stick, or hand grenade.

Be the Knife (60) - Deflect a bow gun arrow with your knife.
Meat Shower (15) - Defeat 3 Majini with one grenade or proximity bomb.
Go into the Light (15)- Defeat 2 enemies with one flash grenade.
Ride the Lightning (15)- Defeat a Majini using the electric current from a transformer.

Stop, Drop, & Roll (15) - Defeat 3 Majini at once by setting oil canisters on fire.

Baptism by Fire (15) - Defeat 3 Majini at once with a drum or gas tank explosion.
Masters of Removing (15) - Work together to save someone special.
Bad Blood (15) - Inflict a set amount of damage to your greatest enemy.
Drive By (30) - Stop an armored truck by taking out the driver.
Egg on Your Face (15) - Defeat a Majini with a rotten egg.
Heart Stopper (15) - Defeat a certain enemy by stabbing it in the heart.
Who Do You Trust? (30)- Build up a certain level of trust with your partner.

Unlockable How to Unlock
New Game+ - Finish the game in any difficulty.
Playing with Sheva - Finish the game in any difficulty.
Mercenaries Mode - Finish the game in any difficulty.
Unlimited ammuntion for a weapon - Finish the game then max out the upgrades for that gun.

History of Resident Evil - Beat the game on any difficulty
Professional Difficulty - Beat every chapter on Veteran

Weapon Unlocks

Fully upgrading the first weapon of each type unlocks the ultimate weapon of each category.
Unlockable How to Unlock
M93R Pistol (Samurai Edge Custom) - Fully upgrade the M92F Pistol
Hydra Triple Barrel Shotgun - Fully upgrade the Ithaca M37 Shotgun
Longbow (Sheva Only) - Fully upgrade the S75 Rifle
Gatling Gun (Chris Only) - Fully upgrade the VZ61 Machine Gun
S&W M500 (Handcannon) - Fully upgrade the S&W M29 Magnum

Unlockable Mercenary Characters
Unlockable How to Unlock

Jill (BSAA) - Get an A Rank or higher in Public Assembly
Wesker (Midnight) - Get an A Rank or higher in The Mines
Chris (Safari) - Get an A Rank or higher in The Village
Sheva (Clubin) - Get an A Rank or higher in Ancient Ruins
Chris (Stars) - Get an A Rank or higher in Experimental Facility
Sheva (Tribal) - Get an A Rank or higher in Missile Area
Jill (Battle Suit) - Get an A Rank or higher in Ship Deck
Wesker (STARS) - Get an A Rank or higher in The Prison

Unlock Infinity Rocket Launcher

To unlock the Rocket Launcher with infinite ammo, beat the game under 5 hours on any difficulty, and turn infinite ammo on under bonus features.
How to unlock all "Graphic Filters"

By finishing the game you unlock different graphic filters to use during gameplay. Once unlocked, go to Bonus Features and buy them for 0 pts. each.
Unlockable How to Unlock
Classic Horror (Black & White)- Beat the game on Amateur difficulty
Retro (Sephia) - Beat the game on Normal difficulty
Noise (Grain effect) - Beat the game on Veteran difficulty

Unlockable Costumes
Unlockable How to Unlock

Chris (Safari) - Complete Chapters 1 - 6
Sheva (Clubbin') - Complete Chapters 1 - 6
Chris (S.T.A.R.S.) - Complete Chapters 1 - 6 and find 25 BSAA Emblems
Sheva (Tribal)- Complete Chapters 1 - 6 and find 30 BSAA Emblems

Versus DLC Achievements
Unlockable How to Unlock

Army of One (15) - Win 30 matches in Slayers.
Eye of the Tiger (15) - Win 30 matches in Survivors.
The Team That Slays Together... (30)- Win 30 matches in Team Slayers.
We Will Survive (30) - Win 30 matches in Team Survivors.
Keep the Good Times Rolling (15) - Chain a 20-defeated combo in Slayers.
It Takes Two to Tango (15) - Chain a 40-defeated combo in Team Slayers.
It's All About the Points (15) - Score at least 40,000 points in Survivors.
There's no "I" in Team (15) - Score at least 80,000 points in Team Survivors.
Let's Get This Party Started! (20) - Unlock all selectable characters in Versus.
Bringing the Pain (30)- Defeat 100 players using physical attacks in Versus.

Versus DLC Characters

Once you download the Versus DLC, you may buy the following characters from the Bonus Features menu using your accumulated Exchange Points
Unlockable How to Unlock
Chris (Safari) 8,000 Exchange Points
Chris (S.T.A.R.S.) - 13,000 Exchange Points
Sheva (Clubbin') - 6,000 Exchange Points
Sheva (Tribal) - 15,000 Exchange Points
Jill (BSAA) - 5,000 Exchange Points
Jill (Battlesuit) - 7,000 Exchange Points
Wesker (Midnight) - 30,000 Exchange Points
Wesker (S.T.A.R.S.) - 50,000 Exchange Points

Monday 6 April 2009

Shippin' Out April 5-11: Nintendo DSi

Camera-equipped portable launches busy week at retail including further Chronicles of Riddick, The Godfather II, Ninja Blade, and Rhythm Heaven.

The long-awaited North American launch of the Nintendo DSi is finally here. The camera-equipped iteration of Nintendo's popular portable system hit US shelves Sunday morning, trailing its Japanese launch by nearly half a year.

A new system launch ordinarily means a flood of new games at retail, but the DSi's exclusive debut lineup is available strictly through Nintendo's DSi Ware downloadable store. However, the new-fangled system will play the newly released DS game Rhythm Heaven just fine.

On the non-portable front, things are looking grim in tone, if not in quality. The M-for-Mature-rated EA game The Godfather II puts players in the thick of the cinematic storyline, while Starbreeze Studios' The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena takes the original Escape From Butcher Bay and amps it up for the current-generation systems with extra single-player content and new multiplayer action. Both games are set for release on the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC.

PC users can also look for Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor, the second stand-alone expansion to Relic Entertainment's critically acclaimed real-time strategy game. As might be expected from an expansion, Tales of Valor includes more single-player campaign missions, as well as new units, multiplayer modes, and maps.

For gamers who like real time but prefer action to strategy, there's the Xbox 360-exclusive Ninja Blade. Developed by From Software, Ninja Blade puts players in the tabi of a modern-day shadow warrior on a quest to cleanse Tokyo of a legion of monstrosities.

The PSP is also getting a bit of Japanese flavor this week in the form of Dragon Ball: Evolution and Hammerin' Hero. The former is a fighting game tie-in for the upcoming feature film starring Chow Yun-Fat and is based on the popular animated series. The latter title, published by Atlus, is an old-school beat-'em-up starring a hero who uses his massive mallet to crush corporate greed.


Tuesday 31 March 2009

Wednesday 18 March 2009

Resident Evil 5 Cheats

Unlockable How to Unlock

RESIDENT EVIL 5 Platinum Trophy - Congratulations! You’ve overcome all your fears in RESIDENT EVIL 5!

Completed Chapter 1 - 1 - (Bronze) Complete Chapter 1 - 1 on any difficulty setting.
Completed Chapter 1 - 2 - (Bronze) Complete Chapter 1 - 2 on any difficulty setting.
Completed Chapter 2 - 1 - (Bronze) Complete Chapter 2 - 1 on any difficulty setting.
Completed Chapter 2 - 2 - (Bronze) Complete Chapter 2 - 2 on any difficulty setting.
Completed Chapter 2 - 3 - (Bronze) Complete Chapter 2 - 3 on any difficulty setting.

Completed Chapter 3 - 1 - (Bronze) Complete Chapter 3 - 1 on any difficulty setting.
Completed Chapter 3 - 2 - (Bronze) Complete Chapter 3 - 2 on any difficulty setting.
Completed Chapter 3 - 3 - (Bronze) Complete Chapter 3 - 3 on any difficulty setting.
Completed Chapter 4 - 1 - (Bronze) Complete Chapter 4 - 1 on any difficulty setting.
Completed Chapter 4 - 2 - (Bronze) Complete Chapter 4 - 2 on any difficulty setting.
Completed Chapter 5 - 1 - (Bronze) Complete Chapter 5 - 1 on any difficulty setting.
Completed Chapter 5 - 2 - (Bronze) Complete Chapter 5 - 2 on any difficulty setting.
Completed Chapter 5 - 3 - (Bronze) Complete Chapter 5 - 3 on any difficulty setting.
Completed Chapter 6 - 1 - (Bronze) Complete Chapter 6 - 1 on any difficulty setting.
Completed Chapter 6 - 2 - (Bronze) Complete Chapter 6 - 2 on any difficulty setting.
Completed Chapter 6 - 3 - (Bronze) Complete Chapter 6 - 3 on any difficulty setting.
Recruit - (Bronze) Complete all chapters on Amateur.
Soldier - (Bronze) Complete all chapters on Normal.
Veteran - (Silver) Complete all chapters on Veteran.
War Hero - (Gold) Complete all chapters on Professional.
Egg Hunt - (Bronze) Find all 4 types of eggs.
All Dressed Up - (Silver) Purchase all available alternative costumes in Bonus Features.
Stockpile - (Silver) Obtain all available weapons.
Take It to the Max - (Silver) Completely upgrade all weapons.
They Belong in a Museum - (Silver) Obtain all treasures in the game.
Badge of Honor - (Silver) Find all the BSAA emblems.
They're ACTION Figures! - (Silver) Collect all the figurines.
A Friend in Need - (Bronze) Save partner 10 times when HELP is displayed.
Lifeguard - (Bronze) Save partner 10 times when DYING is displayed.
Exploding Heads - (Bronze) Pull off 20 headshots.
A Cut Above - (Bronze) Defeat 5 enemies with the Knife.
Cattle Prod - (Bronze) Defeat 30 enemies with the Stun rod.
Crowd Control - (Bronze) Defeat 30 enemies with the Gatling gun.
Bull's-eye - (Bronze) Defeat 30 enemies with the Longbow.
Get Physical - (Bronze) Defeat 20 enemies with physical attacks.
The Works - (Bronze) Chain the maximum number of combos together in one go.
Lead Aspirin - (Silver) Defeat a Majini with a headshot while it’s jumping.
Fireworks - (Bronze) Shoot an enemy Molotov cocktail, dynamite stick, or hand grenade.
Be the Knife - (Silver) Deflect a bow gun arrow with your knife.
Meat Shower - (Bronze) Defeat 3 Majini with one grenade or proximity bomb.
Go into the Light - (Bronze) Defeat 2 enemies with one flash grenade.
Ride the Lightning - (Bronze) Defeat a Majini using the electric current from a transformer.

Stop, Drop, & Roll - (Bronze) Defeat 3 Majini at once by setting oil canisters on fire.
Baptism by Fire - (Bronze) Defeat 3 Majini at once with a drum or gas tank explosion.

Masters of Removing - (Bronze) Work together to save someone special.
Bad Blood - (Bronze) Highlight to show >>During the first fight with Wesker, damage him a set number of times.

Drive By - (Silver) Stop an armored truck by taking out the driver.
Egg on Your Face - (Bronze) Defeat a Majini with a rotten egg.
Heart Stopper - (Bronze) Defeat a certain enemy by stabbing it in the heart.
Who Do You Trust? - (Silver) Build up a certain level of trust with your partner.

Clear game bonus

Unlockable How to Unlock
Mercenaries - Beat the game once.
Alternate Costume - Beat the game once.
Infinity ammo - Beat the game once.
History of Resident Evil - Beat the game once.
Play as Sheva - Beat the game once
New Game+ - Beat The Game Once
Classic Horror Filter - Beat the game on Amateur difficulty
Retro Filter - Beat the game on Normal difficulty
Noise Filter - Beat the game on Veteran difficulty
Professional mode - Beat game in Veteran mode

Unlockable guns

Unlockable How to Unlock
S&W M500 Magnum (HandCannon) - Fully upgrade the S&W M29 Magnum then buy the S&W M500 from the shop

Hydra - Fully upgrade the Ithaca M37 then buy the Hydra from the shop

M93R - Fully upgrade the M92F then buy the M93R from the shop

Gatling Gun (Chris exclusive) - Fully upgrade the VZ61 then buy the Gatling gun from the shop
Longbow (Sheva exclusive) - Fully upgrade S75 then buy the longbow from the shop

Mercenaries Mode Characters

Stage-specific A ranks for new character unlocks (40,000+ points constitutes an A)

Unlockable How to Unlock
Chris (S.T.A.R.S.) - Get an A rank on Experimental Facility
Sheva (Tribal) - Get an A rank on Missile Area
Wesker (S.T.A.R.S.) - Get an A rank on Prison
Jill (Battle Suit) - Get an A rank on Ship Deck
Wesker (Midnight) - Get an A rank on Mines
Chris (Safari) - Get an A rank on Village
Jill (BSAA) - Get an A rank on Public Assembly
Sheva (Clubbin') - Get an A rank on Ancient Ruins

DLC Trophies

Complete each condition to get the allotted Trophies. There are 7 Bronze Trophies and 3 Silver Trophies.

Unlockable How to Unlock
Army of One (Bronze) - Win 30 matches in Slayers.
Eye of the Tiger (Bronze) - Win 30 matches in Survivors.
The Team That Slays Together... (Silver) - Win 30 matches in Team Slayers.
We Will Survive (Silver) - Win 30 matches in Team Survivors.
Keep the Good Times Rolling (Bronze) - Chain a 20-defeated combo in Slayers.
It Takes Two to Tango (Bronze) - Chain a 40-defeated combo in Team Slayers.
It's All About the Points (Bronze) - Score at least 40,000 points in Survivors.
There's no "I" in Team (Bronze) - Score at least 80,000 points in Team Survivors.
Let's Get This Party Started! (Bronze) - Unlock all selectable characters in Versus.
Bringing the Pain (Silver) - Defeat 100 players using physical attacks in Versus.

Unlock Infinity Rocket Launcher

To unlock the Rocket Launcher with infinite ammo, beat the game under 5 hours on any difficulty, and turn infinite ammo on under bonus features.

Unlockable Home items

Complete the following tasks to unlock Resident Evil 5 items in Home
Unlockable How to Unlock
Treasure Chest Ornament - Collect all treasures in the game
Wesker Ornament - Beat the game on professional
Sheva Alomar Ornament - Beat the game on normal
Chris Redfield Ornament - Sign in to Home and you will automatically get it
Jill Valentine Ornament - Beat the game on veteran

Unlockable Costumes for Campaign

Unlockable How to Unlock
Safari Chris - Beat the game
Clubbin' Sheva - Beat the game
S.T.A.R.S. Chris - Shoot 25 BSAA emblems
Tribal Sheva - Shoot 30 BSAA emblems

Monday 16 March 2009

Mortal Kombat

Mortal Kombat - Armageddon

Play as Human Smoke in UMK3
Pick Smoke and hold HP, HK, BL, RN and away until match starts.

UMK3 Kombat Codes

Entry Location:
The Armageddon emulation of Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3

Press LP, BLOCK, and LK, on the Pre-Match VS. screen the specified number of times. Player 1 presses first three numbers (LP (6), Block (8), LK (3) for example) and player 2 presses the second three.

6, 8, 8, 4, 2, 2 - Dark Kombat
7, 8, 8, 3, 2, 2 - Fast Uppercut
2, 7, 7, 2, 7, 7 - Explosive Kombat (2V2)
0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0 - Explosive Kombat, No Throws (2V2)
6, 4, 2, 4, 6, 8 - Galaga Before Match

4, 6, 6, 4, 6, 6 - Infinite Run/Combo time
0, 2, 0, 0, 2, 0 - No Blocking
9, 8, 7, 1, 2, 3 - No Power Bar
3, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0 - No Sound Kombat
0, 3, 3, 0, 0, 0 - P1 Half Life
7, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0 - P1 Low Life
0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 3 - P2 Half Life
0, 0, 0, 7, 0, 7 - P2 Low Life
9, 6, 9, 1, 4, 1 - Winner Of R1 Fights Motaro
7, 6, 9, 3, 4, 2 - Winner Of R1 Fights Noob Saibot
0, 3, 3, 5, 6, 4 - Winner Of R1 Fights Shao Khan
2, 0, 5, 2, 0, 5 - Winner Of R1 Fights Smoke
9, 8, 5, 1, 2, 5 - Psycho Kombat
4, 6, 0, 4, 6, 0 - Random Kombat 1
4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 - Random Kombat 2
0, 9, 1, 1, 9, 0 - Stage Select: Bell Tower
0, 7, 7, 0, 2, 2 - Stage Select: Bridge
6, 6, 6, 3, 3, 3 - Stage Select: Graveyard
3, 3, 0, 0, 3, 3 - Stage Select: Jade's Desert
0, 0, 4, 7, 0, 0 - Stage Select: Khan's Kave
8, 8, 0, 2, 2, 0 - Stage Select: Khan's Tower
6, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0 - Stage Select: Kombat Temple
0, 5, 0, 0, 5, 0 - Stage Select: Noob's Lair
8, 2, 0, 0, 2, 8 - Stage Select: Pit 3
0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 3 - Stage Select: River Kombat
3, 4, 3, 3, 4, 3 - Stage Select: Rooftop
6, 6, 6, 4, 4, 4 - Stage Select: Scorpion's Hell (Netherrealm)
1, 2, 3, 9, 0, 4 - Stage Select: Soul Chamber
0, 7, 9, 0, 3, 5 - Stage Select: Street
8, 8, 0, 0, 8, 8 - Stage Select: Subway
1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 - Throwing Disabled

"?" Box Cheats
Entry Location:
At the "?" box in the Krypt.

Y, X, left, right trigger, left, B - Unlock Blaze

A, right trigger, right trigger, white, up, up - Unlock Comcept Art Pyramid of Argus

Right trigger, Y, white, white, right trigger, X - Unlock Concept Art Blaze

Up, A, white, down, white, A - Unlock Concept Art Early Taven

White, Y, right trigger, up, A, A - General Reiko's map room arena

Up, up, down, up, white, A - Unlocks Armageddon Promo Movie

A, X, left, Y, X, A - Armory Music

Right trigger, left, up, B, white, right trigger - Unlock concept art Ed Boon Drawing

Up, X, right trigger, white, B, right trigger - Unlock concept art Firewall arean

White, forward, up, right trigger, Y, up - Unlock concept art Mileena's car design

Y, left, left, A, down, B - Unlock concept art Pyramid of Argus

White, right trigger, left, A, up, right trigger - unlock concept Art Sektor's Pulse Blade

B, white, Y, down, B, left - unlock concept Art Unused Konquest Trap

Right trigger, right trigger, Y, down, down, X - Unlock Daegon

White, right, A, white, up, up - Unlock Drahmin's alternate costume

Right trigger, left, up, B, white, right trigger - Unlock Ed boon drawing

Down, white, right trigger, right trigger, B, white- Unlock Frost's alternate costume

White, left, B, A, white, forward - Unlock Lin Kuei Palace Tune

Up, X, X, B, B, up - Unlock Meat

Y, up, white, right trigger, right trigger, white - Unlock Motor Gameplay Movie

Right trigger, left, left, down, right trigger, X - Unlock Nethership Interior Arena

B, right trigger, up, X, B, down - Unlock Red dawn arena

Right trigger, left, up, B, up, white - Unlock Shang Tsung's alternate costume

Left, left, B, up, Y, right trigger- Unlock Shinnok's spire arena

Down, right trigger, up, right trigger, right trigger, right - Unlock Nitara's alternate costume

White, B, X, A, B, Y - Unlock Falling Cliffs Arena

Right trigger, right trigger, X, A, white, up - Unlock Pyramid of Argus arena

Down, left, white, white, up, right trigger - Unlock Pyramid of Argus Music

Right trigger, left, white, up, B, down - Unlock Taven

Up, B, right trigger, right trigger, right trigger, A - Unlock Tekunin Warship Music

Tuesday 3 March 2009

Grand Theft Auto 3 Cheat

All Weapons
During gameplay press Black, Black, L, Black, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up

Full Health
During gameplay press Black, Black, L, R, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up

Full Armor
During gameplay press Black, Black, L, White, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up

Higher Wanted Level:
During gameplay press Black, Black, L, Black, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right.

Lower Wanted Level
During gameplay press Black, Black, L, Black, Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down.

More money
During gameplay press Black, Black, L, L, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Rithg, Up

During gameplay press B, B, B, B, B, B, R, White, L, Y, B, Y.

Speed up time
During gameplay press B, B, B, X, X, X, X, X, L, Y, B, Y.

Change outfit
During gameplay press Right, Down, Left, Up, L, White, Up, Left, Down, Right.

People Fight
During gameplay press Down, Up, Left, Up, A, R, Black, White, L.

All people hate you
During gameplay press Down, Up, Left, Up, A, R, Black, L, White.

Crazy people
During gameplay press Black, R, Y, A, White, L, Up, Down.

People fistfight each other
During gameplay press Right, Black, B, R, White, Down, L, R.

Improved car handling
During gameplay press R, L, Black, L, Left, R, R, Y

Blow up all cars
During gameplay press White, Black, L, R, White, Black, Y, X, B, Y, White, L

Gore Mode
During gameplay press X, L, B, Down, L, R, Y, Right, L, A.

Clear Weather
During gameplay press L, White, R, Black, Black, R, White, Y.

Foggy Weather
During gameplay press L, White, R, Black, Black, R, White, A.

Cloudy Weather
During gameplay press L, White, R, Black, Black, R, White, X.

Rainy Weather
During gameplay press L, White, R, Black, Black, R, White, B.

Flying Cars
To fly any car that is fast enough (just about any car in the game), enter the Dodo cheat, Right, Black, B, R, White, Down, L, R during gameplay. Use it to fly over the bridges, or shoot someone elses car. When they run away they lose control on turns and do rolls. Very funny. Enter the code again to take it off if your tired of wrecking your cars.
Note: Fly your car like the dodo, if you press up to hard, your car falls.

How To Get To Stauton Island Before getting all the mafia missions
ok, in order to get to stauton island before completing the mafia missions, you must turn on the dodo cheat. Once you have the dodo cheat on, get a pretty fast car, like the police car or the car by the 8-ball shop. then, go to the bridge and get past the orange cone by slowly going through the right side. Once youre in, get in the middle of the bridge, and get ready to take off! Slam the accelerator and press up on the analog so the nose goes down, once you get to the very edge, where the brigde breaks, press down slightly so the nose goes up, you should make it all the way to the next side. Stauton Island is Awesome!!

Slow and fast gameplay
(During gameplay)
Slow - Press Y Up Right Down X R Black
Fast - Press Y Up Right Down X L White

Dodo Car
Press Right, Black, B, R, White, Down, L, R during gameplay. A message will confirm the code entry.

Hint on Flying the Dodo car:
Take the Dodo Car to the very end of the runway (or empty highway, If possible). Turn it around so its facing away from the edge of the road/runway. Hold A to build up momentum, while holding Up. Once you get enough speed, quickly hold Down. Once airborne, use normal controls to level out the car. Note: The dodo car is very difficult to fly (because there are no wings). This code may work with any car.

Indestructible/ Invincible Car
This takes a while, but is definitely worth it. On Portland, after you talk to El Burro of The Diablos, go the the line to start racing, but first you must line up tanks along the whole road. (For tanks push circle 6 times, then R, White, L, Y, B, Y. Then, when one of the carshits it and flips over, you must flip it back over and bring it to your garage. That car will then be invincible.

Increased Gore
Press X, L, B, Down, L, R, Y, Right, L, A during gameplay. No confirmation message will appear on the screen. With this code you can shoot off pedestrians' arms, legs, and heads with some weapons such as the sniper rifle, assault rifle, or explosives with an increase in the overall amount of bloodleft behind. Note: Saving the game might make the effects of this code permanent.

Extinguish your car (without the fire truck)
Just Simply Press Black(2x), L, R, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up while inside your vehicle. If done fast enough your car will be extinguished.
Note: The cheat above is the "Full Health Cheat".

Flying Tank
Many people have wanted to fly but you think that you can't because you are on Portland or Staunton Island. Here's a way to Fly. Put in the code for the tank.(Tip:Don't use any fast car they're to fast they keep spinning out)after the tank appears put in the Dodo car code. Now the tank is not fast enough so you will have to turn the cannon around with the right joy-stick. When the cannon is facing behind you, get on a long straight road. Start driving and firing the cannon behind you while you drive. The shots fired will give you the speed you need. You won't need to pull up, the tank will pull up on its own.
When you are in the air you need to keep firing to keep up enough speed. Now your fling you can fly as far as you want just get the hang of turning first.

Grand Theft Auto 3 Unlockables
Hidden Package Bonuses
10 packages found=pistol at Hideout
20 packages found=Uzi at Hideout
30 packages found=Grenades at Hideout
40 packages found=shotgun at Hideout
50 packages found=armor at Hideout
60 packages found=molotovs at Hideout
70 packages found=ak47 at Hideout
80 packages found=sniper rifle at Hideout

Hidden Packages
When you see the ROCKSTER billboard, there are usually some items nearby. On the 3 islands, hidden packages are usually found near the billboards. For every 10 hidden packages you find, you gain access to a new weapon located at your hideout, free of charge.

Submitted By: Mark Padilla

Police Bribe
Get 45 kills in vigilante mode to unlock a police bribe that is available in your hideout.

Bonus Buggy
Successfully complete the Mafia missions to unlock the Buggy. Return to the Portland and go to the Diablo parking lot (where the mission phone is located) between 19:00 to 24:00 to find the same Buggy glimpsed in Joey's garage from the Mafia mission. It will appear in the same location & change color each time.

Grand Theft Auto 3 Hints
Free Mafia Sentinel
To get a free Mafia Sentinel car in Portland without having to go to war with some Mafia members after you steal the car, just go to Salvatore Leone's house and in the driveway are two Mafia Sentinels. Every time you come back they will re-appear.

Free BF Injection
To get the BF Injection, the car that Joey Leone is seen working on during mission briefings, go to the telephone in Portland but dont pick up. Just go to the 2 buildings opposite to eachother but in the parking-lot. You can't miss it, it's not a normal looking car. NOTE: You must do this during the night.

Repair any car for free
Just park the car in the garage, walk out let the door close then walk back up to the garage and there will be a fixed car for FREE.

Get free shot gun
Go to ammo-nation store and after you buy a gun walk up to the clerk and try to point the gun at him the best you can because you can target him, kill him, he shoots back so do it fast and after you kill him walk up to the counter and you will get his shotgun.

Extra Cash
Not a cheat , more of a hint. When in an emergency car ( cop car , ambulance car , fire truck ) or a taxi. Press the right analogue stick ( R3 ) and you can do a sub mission for extra cash

Up to 5 Cars in your Garage
In your garage is Staution Island you can only hold 2 cars...right? Well...there is a way to keep up to 5 cars in there at once!
Heres how you do it:
1.If you have 2 cars already in your garage, go get another one, and bring it to your garage.
2.Park it right in front of the garage with its nose practically on the garage door.(Don't worry this cheat will fix that dent)
3.Then get out of your car and walk to the garage door and when it opens, quickly jump back into your car and gas it!
4. The garage door will try to close on it, but it wont. Park it deep, so the garage door can still be closed.
5.Get out of the garage and presto, 3 cars in there now!
6.If you re-arrange your cars (sideways works well) you can fit 5 cars in your garage and it still closes, letting you have 5 nice cars ready to take out.

Yardie Lobo Shocks
In Staunton Island you can jack the Yardie Lobo, when you speed up and slow down the shocks drop and lower naturally, but if you use the right-analog stick the suspension rises and falls in whatever direction you push it. You can actually roll the car from a stopped position, try it it's fun. Oh yeah, you don't have to save it for your garage to repair your car, just back off so the door closes then get near it to open and your car will be repaired.

Get the tank
All you need is about 15 rockets and 15 grenades and some armor. Get a big truck after you get the stuff mentioned above and go the third level with the airport. Get two stars so the police will follow you to the back of the airport. Go to the Helipad with the police helicopter and get on top of it. Throw the grenades to destroy the police that will come below. Use the rockets on the pesky helicopters after you get full stars start watching the ground for tanks when they come throw a grenade to kill the guys and hurry and jump in. This is the easiest way I could figure out how to do it.

Fast Car
On portland city go to 8 balls BOMB SHOP then go right into the car sales and you will see a banchee car in a glass room smash the window with a car and hey presto you have a nice car

To continue at a fast pace without fatigue, just TAP x instead of holding it down. This helps when trying to give your character EXERCISE so that he can run for a long period of time as well.

How To Fly (and turn) The Dodo Plane
Ok, I know that ALOT of people are having a hard time flying the Dodo. So... I decided to write a FAQ to help you all.

NOTE: I just learned how to fly, and trust me,THIS WILL TAKE PRACTICE!

Ok, First off, go to the airport in ShoreSide Vale so you can get the Dodo. When you are there, drive all the way to the beginning of the runway, or just go down by the place where there is another Dodo, and a bunch of helicopters.(NOTE: I get my Dodo usually down in the hanger by the water, but you can get the one near the helipcopters to save time, it doesnt matter.)

Now get on the runway, and make sure you are pointed straight, so when you drive you wont go off the runway,or the black part. Now hold the left analog stick very slightly up. This will cause your place to tilt forwards when you drive, and help pick up speed. The reason why you should barely move it up is because then the plane will take longer to lean all the way down, thus you pick up more speed.

Now while holding up on the left analog stick, start to drive.

Keep going until you see your plane sort of bouncing up and down, and you see sparks.

When you see your plane sort of bouncing and you see sparks, let go of the analog stick gently. This will send your plane shooting into the air, almost vertically, so when you get up, start pressing up, so your will make the plane level. Sort of point it a little downwards so the plane will kind of dive, thus you pick up speed, then you just level the plane by barely moving the analog stick downwards.

Keep pressing up on the analog stick every so often to pick up speed, the plane usually does the rest and makes you gain altitude, so really when you go down and get more speed, the air will sort of pick you up, and make you go higher, but you still need to push the analog stick down a little to help it climb higher, and so that you can fly longer.


Now turning...

Turning is very hard, and should only really be done when you know where you are flying. To turn, just barely tap the analog stick in the direction you want to turn, but kind of do it diagonally, like right-up, or left-up, NEVER push it left-down or right-down, this will cause your plane to sort of stall. and can be very hard to get it flying again, and you will most likely crash. Never make hard sharp turns, unless you want to crash...

Landing is pretty simple, just make sure your straight, find a long flat place, and press up on the analog stick, this will move you down, and just press X and R when close to the ground, so that you will stop.

New Ending
To get the new ending right before you shoot the helicopter and end the game turn on the cheat :All People Hate You. once you do that destroy the helicopter and the ending scene will show a bunch of people running around shooting at you. It is really worth it.

Cops, Army ETC can't get you
On the second island find the casino. when your familiar with the location of the casino just go to the car park through the main entrance when ever you have cops, army, or FBI after you and they won't enter the car park. NOTE (the helicopters can still shoot you)

Get a free infernus (that's a really fast car)
On the third island as you come off of the bridge turn left and go down the road that leads to the airport runway on your right before you get to the barriers there's a car park, go in there and in front of you is a long sports car, just get in. (and your away)

Get a free insane jump stunt bonus
On the third island drive down the road a little bit as you come off of the bridge and on the right side of the road is a brown path in the grass drive as fast as you can down that but be careful it vears off to the left a little bit and also be carful because you may hit the posts on the wooden ramp. (I don't know if you've seen it but I think it looks like the James Bond movie the man with the golden gun when he jumps over the river to get to the baddie)

Get a free fire truck on the third level
On the third level just as you come off of the bridge turn left and go to the little side road towards the airport runway to the left of the car park is a fire truck.

Get a free cop car
Go to the airport and go to the MAIN runway, go to the end of the runway with the helipad and turn right and there's a cop car just sitting there.

Get a second Dodo plane on the third island
Go the Airport's main runway and got the end with the helipad, just in front of the helipad is another Dodo plane.

Saturday 21 February 2009

Ninja Gaiden Cheats

Codes for Classic Ninja Gaiden
L X A Y A X - Skip to Act 1 in Ninja Gaiden 1
A A B X Y R - Skip to Act 1 in Ninja Gaiden 2
B Y R L X A - Skip to Act 1 in Ninja Gaiden 3

A X X R Y A - Skip to Act 2 in Ninja Gaiden 1
X L R B B A - Skip to Act 2 in Ninja Gaiden 2
A R R Y A L - Skip to Act 2 in Ninja Gaiden 3

X Y B R L X - Skip to Act 3 in Ninja Gaiden 1
L Y B A R R - Skip to Act 3 in Ninja Gaiden 2
L B R Y L Y - Skip to Act 3 in Ninja Gaiden 3

B R A B Y Y - Skip to Act 4 in Ninja Gaiden 1
A L X Y Y B - Skip to Act 4 in Ninja Gaiden 2
R R B A Y X - Skip to Act 4 in Ninja Gaiden 3

X A Y X L L Skip to Act 5 in Ninja Gaiden 1
R A A B X L Skip to Act 5 in Ninja Gaiden 2
Y A B X R X Skip to Act 5 in Ninja Gaiden 3

R Y R L A X - Skip to Act 6 in Ninja Gaiden 1
Y L R A Y R - Skip to Act 6 in Ninja Gaiden 2
B X X A X Y - Skip to Act 6 in Ninja Gaiden 3

B B X Y A L - Skip to Act 7 in Ninja Gaiden 2
X R X Y Y L - Skip to Act 7 in Ninja Gaiden 3

Ninja Gaiden Unlockables

Mission Mode

To unlock mission mode you must beat the game on normal or hard mode.

Submitted By: Ryu

Unlock Ninja Gaiden 1
Give 50 scarabs to Maramusa

Unlock Ninja Gaiden 2: The Dark Sword of Chaos
Use normal mode and get Master Ninja on each level

Unlock All Movies (FMV's)
Beat the game using normal or hard difficulty

Unlock New Outfit
Beat the game using normal or hard difficulty then while selecting "New Game" Hold the L button

Unlock Plasma Saber
Beat the game using normal or hard difficulty

Unlock Plasma Saber Mk 2
Beat the game using Very hard difficulty

Unlock Very Hard Difficulty
Beat the game using normal or hard difficulty

Tuesday 3 February 2009

Medieval II: Cheats

Console codes

Press the tilde (~) key and enter these codes to use them. All codes are case sensitive. Make sure to capitalize family member names, settlement names, and anything else that needs capitalizing or else it will not work.

Cheat Effect
add_money "amount" - Gives you the specific amount of gold.

auto_win "attacker/defender" - When at the battle scroll, input this code in, attacker if attacking, defender if defending and press auto retaliate button. Automatically wins.

give_trait this "trait" "level number" - Allows you to give any trait your faction can have to a specific general.

process_cq "settlement name" - Anything in the city's building queue will be built automatically.

add_population "settlement name" "amount" - Allows you to give a city more population automatically.

toggle_fow - Toggles on or off the fog of war. You can see the whole world map when inputted.

move_character z x,y - z=name of settlement or unit without title (except Captain). x,y=coords

show_cursorstat - Shows coordinates under mousecursor in format x,y

character_reset - Allows a character to move again. Does not always work

Create a Unit

Use the console to enter the following

create_unit "settlement or character" "unit ID" "amount (1-5)" "experience (1-9)" "armor (1-3)" "weapon (1-3)"

Example -

creat_unit "London" Longbowmen 2 9 3 3

^The above code will create 2 units of Longbowmen in London with 3 Gold Chevrons, Level 3 armor and Level 3 weapon

Cheat Effect
create_unit "settlement or character" "unit ID" "amount (1-5)" "experience (1-9)" "armor (1-3)" "weapon (1-3)" - Creates Unit at any settlement/general you like

Adding Units to Stacks

Just pick a city or any unit as if moving it and just open console and simple type george or any of those on this list and hit enter to get the following units

Cheat Effect
rogan - Elephant Artillery

vindaloo - Elephant Rocketeer

george - Mercenary Monster Ribault

madras - Elephants

houston - Mercenary Rocket Launcher

istanbul - Mercenary Monster Bombard

Detailed Codes for Several Console Commands

Push ~ to access the console. As described above, the "give_trait" command works with several different traits to add to a specific character. In order for this to work, you must have the character selected and outside of a town. It works like:

give_trait this TRAITNAME #

Below is a list of TRAITNAMES and the maximum number you can put after to determine the level of the trait. These are a list of the most beneficial traits, message me if you want me to post the more obscure ones.

Cheat Effect

GoodCommander 5 - Increases command skill.

GoodInfantryGeneral 1 - Increases command skill (situational)

GoodCavalryGeneral 1 - Increases command skill (situational)

GoodAmbusher 5 - Increases command skill (situational)

GoodAttacker 5 - Increases command skill (situational)

GoodDefender 5 - Increases command skill (situational)

GoodAdministrator 3 - Increased Law, Trade Income

Intelligent 3 - Increased Command, Income

VictorVirtue 3 - Increases Chivalry

PublicFaith 4 - Increases Piety

BattleChivalry 5 - Increases Chivalry

NaturalMilitarySkill 3 - Increases Command

Energetic 3 - Increases Movement Points

HaleAndHearty 3 - More kids, increased general's hitpoints

PoliticsSkill 3 - - loyalty, + authority

MathematicsSkill 3 - Increased Income

FathersLegacy 3 - Increases Authority

GoodTrader 3 - Increased Trade Income

GoodMiner 3 - Increased Mining Income

HighPersonalSecurity 3 - Increases Peraonal Security

BattleDread 4 - Increases Dread

Loyal 3 - +Chivalry,Loyalty

Brave 3 - +morale

Adding Ancillaries to Generals

As mentioned above, enter the console with the ~ key.

This is a list of the various ancillaries (retinue members) that can be added with the give_ancillary command. This code requires you to have the character that you wish to modify selected, as well.

give_ancillary this ANCILLARYNAME

Below is a list of ancillaries (with their ANCILLARYNAME) that can be given to GENERALS

Cheat Effect

brilliant_inventor - +30 build points, +1 farming, 20% bonus on mining income

bard - Adds Morale, Popularity

drillmaster - +25% movement, unit recruitment discounted

apothecary - Have more kids.

doctor - Have more kids, improves casualty recovery chance.

scribe_ancillary - Adds Authority, Income Bonuses

mentor - Increases Command

foodtaster - Increases Personal Security

tutor - Increases Piety, Trade Income

bodyguard - Increases Peraonal Security, Decreases Popularity

swordbearer - Increases Hit Points, Personal Security

shieldbearer - Increases Hit Points, Lowers Morale

Giving Ancillaries and Traits to Apies/Assassins

As mentioned above, enter the console with the ~ key.

This is a list of the various ancillaries (retinue members) that can be added with the give_ancillary command. This code requires you to have the character that you wish to modify selected, as well.

give_ancillary this ANCILLARYNAME

Below is a list of ancillaries (with their ANCILLARYNAME) that can be given to Spies and/or Assassins

NOTE: For the ones marked "TRAIT", use the command:

give_trait this TRAITNAME #

instead to give the agent the specified trait (capitalization matters). Read my above post on traits for more information.

Cheat Effect

dancer +2 to agent's skill

catamite - +1 to agent's skill

courtesan - +1 to agent's skill

pickpocket - +1 to agent's skill

GoodSpy 5 - TRAIT +1-5 to spy's skill

GoodAssassin 5 - TRAIT +1-5 to assassin's skill

GoodSaboteur 3 - TRAIT +1-3 to assassin's saboteur skill

Sunday 1 February 2009

Rome: Total War Hints & Cheats

Rome: Total War Game Guide

Friends, Romans, Countrymen. Lend this Rome: Total War game guide your eyes and you'll have a full set of statistics for all combat units, strategies for taking on the imperial campaign, and walk-throughs for all historical battles.

Console Codes

Press the tilde (~) key and enter these codes to use them. All codes are case sensitive. Make sure to capitalize family member names, settlement names, and anything else that needs capitalizing or else it will likely to not work. All codes have a limited use if you are using patch 1.2 or lower. If you use patch 1.3 or higher you may have infinte uses. If you have patch 1.2 and wish to use a specific code again you need to exit the program and restart it.

Password Effect
auto_win "attacker/defender" - When at the battle scroll, input this code in, attacker if attacking, defender if defending and press auto retaliate button. Automatically wins.

toggle_fow - Toggles on or off the fog of war. You can see the whole world map when inputted.

add_money "amount" - Gives you the specific amount of denarii you want. Max amount of 40000.

add_population "settlement name" "amount" - Allows you to give a city more population automatically. Max amount is 4000.

process_cq "settlement name" - Anything in the city's building queue will be built automatically.

give_trait "character" "trait" "level number" - Allows you to give any trait your faction can have to a specific general.

oliphaunt - Create a unit of Yubtseb Elephants

Jericho - Enemy's walls collapse.

create_building "city" "building name" - Creates a building in the named city.

disable_ai - Turns off both enemy and ally AI

invulnerable_general "general's name" - Make the general invulnerable, may only work on battlefield

create_unit "general's name" "unit name" "#" - Add units to selected general. Example "create_unit "Gaius Julius" "roman velite" 2 "

Tuesday 27 January 2009

Oblivion Hints & Cheats

Console menu functions

While in the game, hit the tilde key [~] at any time to bring up the console. With the console open, there are multiple commands that can be used, some that require targeting by selecting an object with the mouse while the console is open.

Cheat Effect

setscale number - Makes objects change size. Click on object to enlarge or make smaller then enter cheat. Number ranges from .5 to 2. 1 is normal size.

FOV # - Change the angle of your point of view (default is 75)

TFOW - Toggles fog of war that hides the map

player.setcrimegold 0 - Removes Bounty on your head. NOTE: If being chased by city guards, you must leave the city and go back for it to work on them.

tws - Toggle water

pov [#] - Set point of view angle (75 by default)

showquesttargets - Show current quest targets

showquestlog 1 - Show completed quest log

showquestlog 0 - Show current quest log

showquestlog - Show quest log

showfullquestlog [quest id] - Show all log entries for indicated quest

lock [1-100] - Lock selected door or container

help - List console commands

hairtint (red/green/blue) - Change player hair colour

savegame [filename] - Save game

setcamerafov [degrees] - Set camera field of view (75 by default)

ShowBirthSignMenu - Show the sign selection screen

ShowRaceMenu - Show the name/race/appearance selection screen

ShowClassMenu - Show the class selection screen

player.payfine - Guards stop attacking you and bounty is paid off.

stopcombat - Immediately stops the combat of the selected friend/foe.

PCB - Purge cell buffer. This will free up used memory, often times increasing fps after any given amount of time in game. Best used while in interior cells

coc toddtest - Teleports player to developer testing grounds.

Without targeting, type "tgm" - God Mode
Click a locked door or chest, type "unlock" - Unlocks target object
Click any human or creature, type "kill" - Instant kills
tfh - Toggle Full Help

player.setAV <#> - Increase (Or decrease) Ability or Attribute

player.additem 0000000F 'XXX' - Adds the desired amount of gold. Replace the 'XXX' with the amount wanted.

player.AddSpell 00000000 - gives you spell 00000000 (use other hex combinations for spells)

player.AddItem 00000000 # - gives you # of item 00000000 (use other hex combinations for items)

modpcs skill 100 - adds 100 points to the skill

modpca luck 100 - adds 100 pointsto an attribute (here luck)

Showbirthsignmenu - Allows you to change your birthsign

advskill skill # - Forces a skill level up of # levels, example: advskill blade 4

player.setlevel 1 - Changes player level to desired number. Use 1-255

advlevel - forces a level up with the levelup screen.

showclassmenu - Allows you to change your class

caqs - Completes all quest stages

ShowSubtitle - Toggles NPC conversation subtitles

psb - Add all spells to player

SexChange - Changes your gender

TCL - Toggles collision ( noclip anyone?:), you go in the direction your facing, up/down/etc )

TDT - Toggle debug display (FPS etc)

TLL - Toggle land LOD

TDETECT - Toggle AI detection

SSG - Creates a window with the full game scene graph

movetoqt - Teleports you to your quest target (for lazy bums) makes the game ALOT shorter >:)

qqq - exit game without using menus

tcai - Toggle combat ai, "sitting ducks" springs to mind

TS - Toggle sky

TLV - Toggle leaves

TWF - Toggle wireframe mode

TAI - Toggle AI

TG - Toggle Grass

TT - Toggle trees

TM - Toggles hiding of all menus (for taking screenshots)

tfc - "ufo cam", freeflyng camera

player.additem <Form ID> - Gives the player the given item and amount of the item.

SetPCInfamy - gives you infamy

SetPCFame - gives you fame

PlaceAtMe , ,, - spawns a npc or item or creature where you put the cords in this recuires a ref.

resurrect - Resurrect targeted monster/human.

player.removespell - Removes specified spell

player.removeitem <#> - Removes any item

player.completequest - Removes active quest specified (doesn't complete it)

player.setstage - Advances specific quest to specified stage

coc testinghall - Teleports player to an area with all objects, monsters, and NPCs in-game.

player.placeatme <Form ID> - Summon a NPC at your current location
twr - Toggles Water Radius

set timescale to - Set the speed at which time flows, 30 is default and 1.0 is real-time.

drop <form id> amount - drops the item

equipitem <form id> - equips the item

ModDisposition ObjREF Amount - modifies actor's disposition towards ObjREF. Example:

ModDisposition 014 -100 makes your target strongly dislike __ you __

GetPos X - shows target's X coordinate in the scene. Y and Z are also valid. Use Player.GetPos X or "014".GetPos X to find out where you are on the X-axis!

SetPos X Value - set target's X coordinate, i.e., move the target. Use Player.SetPos Z to train acrobatics. Be careful not to move something beyond your reach..

MoveTo ObjREF - move target to ObjREF. You might enlist 'frequently visited' ObjREFs for further fast-travel, or even create your own 'places' by dropping items..

SetAV AValue Amount - set some ability or skill (AValue to be Marksman, LightArmor, etc.) Also not-so obvious values are: Aggression, Energy, Confidence, Responsibility..

SetAV Aggression 100 - target should attack anybody it doesn't like, without prompt

SetCrimeGold 2000 - set a bounty on actor's head. Use upon a character you want punished by guards. Also should be funny using it on town guards themselves.

StopCombat - actor stops combat, hides its weapon. Actor will start again, if it finds proper targets.

SetItemValue Amount - (should be used on items, not actors) Sets item's price

CreateFullActorCopy - create a fully identical copy of a target for some purpose. All attributes, spells, and items copy.

Player.CreateFullActorCopy - places another "Yourself" near you. You even might test "yourself" in combat, but be careful with all those guilds stuff..

SetActorFullName "John Doe" - change actor's name

DeleteFullActorCopy - removes selected target if it was a copy created with CreateFullActorCopy (Now, after you had plenty fun with your replica, it's time to release it)

DuplicateAllItems DestinationObjREF - copy items from target actor (or chest or other container) into object referenced by DestinationObjREF.

RemoveAllItems - remove all items from target. Use Player.RemoveAllItems to strip off any stolen and not stolen goods from yourself.

PRID Player - select yourself as a target. In theory, one can also select other named objects, but for now other names are unknown.

Look ObjREF - target looks towards referenced object

StopLook - target stops looking (this is to cancel any previous Look cheat)

Drop TypeREF Amount - an item of given type drops out from selected target's inventory. Item is treated owned by target, so you will steal it on picking up

UnEquipItem TypeREF - target deactivates an item of given type (may be used to disarm or undress target).

SetBarterGold Amount - sets amount of gold a merchant has for trade. (don't forget to first select any merchant as a target :J)

ShowSpellMaking - Forces up spell creation screen

Killall - Kills Everything Where You Are (If You Are In A Town Outside It Kills Everything Outside)
lock [value] - Lock a door

tmm 1 - Shows all map markers

Friday 23 January 2009

Wireless Keypad

The Wireless keypad for the PLAYSTATION®3 system provides the freedom of easy to use texting and mouse input capabilities, all while maintaining full gameplay functionality in one easy-to-hold device. This Bluetooth® device attaches to any DUALSHOCK®3 or SIXAXIS™ wireless controller and enables effortless internet browsing, e-mailing and instant messaging on the PlayStation®Network and PlayStation®Home. The unique touch pad feature allows for convenient scrolling and mouse input on the PS3™ system on-screen display. Dedicated short cut keys provide instant access to ‘Message Box’ and other online communication applications on the PlayStation®Network.

Key Features:

* QWERTY keypad designed for fast, thumbs-only typing.
* Touch pad mode turns the main key area into a touch pad. When touch pad button is pressed, user can not use the keys for character input but can slide her finger on this area to select something on the screen. On the internet browser, user can see a cursor when this mode is set on.
* Dedicated short cut keys provide instant access to text-based communication applications on the PlayStation®Network.
* Automatic pairing with the PS3™ system via a USB cable.
* Charges by connecting it directly to the PS3™ system using a USB cable.

Technical Specifications

* Bluetooth® 2.0
* Up to 33 feet (10 meters) operating range
* USB 2.0 full speed (for battery charging and Bluetooth® pairing only)
* Rechargeable Lithium-ion polymer battery (Capacity – 610mAh)

Compatible Systems

PLAYSTATION®3 160GB system, PLAYSTATION®3 20GB system, PLAYSTATION®3 40GB system, PLAYSTATION®3 60GB system, PLAYSTATION®3 80GB system (CECHE01)
Model Number SCPH-98048
Manufacturer SCEI

Tuesday 20 January 2009

Battle Fantasia cheats

Alternate Story mode paths:
Complete the indicated task in Story mode to unlock the alternate path
for the indicated character.

Character - Task in story mode:
Watson: Finish Cedric with Hip-de-Bunny.
Urs: Win by timeout over Olivia.
Olivia: Hit Coyori with a D attack ten times and finish the match with one.
Marco: Finish Olivia with Dyna Rush.
Freed: Use Magnum Jetter five times against Marco.
Face: Use Texas Knee five times against Urs.
Donvalve: Use Hip-de-don against Coyori and finish with a Super.
Dokurod: Taunt after defeating Coyori.
Deathbringer: Finish Watson with Final Inferno.
Coyori: Throw Freed at five times.
Cedric: Adjust your glasses five times against Marco.
Asley: Taunt Coyori.

Unlockable outfits:
Finish 50% of a characters Story mode to unlock their 1st alternate skin.
Finish 90% of a characters Story mode to unlock their 2nd alternate skin.

Complete the following achievements to award the indicated amount of
Xbox Live Gamerscore points.

Survivor (10 gamerscore points):
Play in survival mode and acquire 10 consecutive wins.

Battler (20 gamerscore points):
Play in survival mode and acquire 20 consecutive wins.

Fantasiac (40 gamerscore points):
Play in survival mode and acquire 30 consecutive wins.

Born of the Hero (20 gamerscore points):
Awarded for completing arcade mode on the HARD difficulty level.

Ultimate Hero (40 gamerscore points):
Awarded for completing arcade mode on the Very Hard difficulty level.

Persistent Hero (20 gamerscore points):
Awarded for completing arcade mode without using a single continue.

Apprentice Hero (10 gamerscore points):
Awarded for completing arcade mode.

Man of Shadows (20 gamerscore points):
Awarded for completing Ashley's main scenario in story mode.

Cedric, Teacher of Magic (20 gamerscore points):
Awarded for completing Cedric's main scenario in the story mode.

Welcome! (20 gamerscore points):
Awarded for completing Coyori's main scenario in story mode.

Bringer of Presage (20 gamerscore points):
Awarded for completing Deathbringer's main scenario in story mode.

Executive Decision (20 gamerscore points):
Awarded for completing Donvalve's main scenario in story mode.

The End of Revenge (20 gamerscore points):
Awarded for completing Face's main scenario in the story mode.

Man of Tomorrow (20 gamerscore points):
Awarded for completing Freed's main scenario in story mode.

My Adventure Begins (20 gamerscore points):
Awarded for completing Marco's main scenario in the story mode.

Is This Love? (20 gamerscore points):
Awarded for completing Odile & Dokurod's main scenario in the story mode.

The Heroes Advance (20 gamerscore points):
Awarded for completing Olivia's main scenario in the story mode.

Express Hero (40 gamerscore points):
Awarded for completing time attack mode less than 6 minutes.

Fastest Hero (20 gamerscore points):
Awarded for completing time attack mode less than 8 minutes.

Highspeed Hero (10 gamerscore points):
Awarded for completing time attack mode less than 10 minutes.

The Chosen One? (20 gamerscore points):
Awarded for completing Urs's main scenario in the story mode.

Prophet of Light (20 gamerscore points):
Awarded for completing Watson's main scenario in the story mode.

Finishing Blow (50 gamerscore points):
Awarded for beating the End of Deathbringer in single-player arcade
mode without Heating Up.

Introvert (10 gamerscore points):
Finish off Olivia with Ashley's Steal Your Heart in single-player arcade mode.

Gattling Magnum (10 gamerscore points):
Awarded for performing a 20+ hit combo with Freed.

Basilisk Master (10 gamerscore points):
Awarded for performing a 30+ hit combo with Urs.

Here I Come! (10 gamerscore points):
Awarded for performing a 40+ hit combo with Watson.

Meowmeowmeow! (10 gamerscore points):
Awarded for performing a 50+ hit combo with Coyori.

Super Drill! (10 gamerscore points):
Awarded for performing a 60+ hit combo with Odile and Dokurod.

Panty Flash! (10 gamerscore points):
Finish off a female opponent with Marco's throw in single-player arcade mode.

Don't Eat Me (10 gamerscore points):
Finish off Watson with Donvalve's throw in single-player arcade mode.

Perfect Hero (100 gamerscore points):
Survive the Apocalypse Flame on Very Hard mode in single-player arcade mode.

Marxist (20 gamerscore points):
Use Cedric's Nose Glasses against the End of Deathbringer in
single-player arcade mode.

Final Strike! (10 gamerscore points):
End a battle with Deathbringer's Final Strike in single-player arcade mode.

I'm In Love (20 gamerscore points):
End a battle with Olivia's Shall We Dance in single-player arcade mode

Wahooo!? (10 gamerscore points):
Finish Face off with Marco's throw in the single-player arcade mode.

Round-n-Swing (10 gamerscore points):
Hit with Donvalve's strongest swing, Don Don Swing in the single-player
arcade mode.

The Ultimate Taunt (10 gamerscore points):
Outside of training mode, use Cedric's Nose Glasses.

Exciting! (10 gamerscore points):
Outside of training mode, use Urs's taunt repeatedly to enter Heat Up mode.

A Hero Appears (10 gamerscore points):
Play a ranked match on Xbox LIVE.

Color Collector (40 gamerscore points):
There are hidden colors for each character.

Gallery of a Hero (5 gamerscore points):
Awarded for unlocking 25% of the gallery.

Gallery of Heroes (10 gamerscore points):
Awarded for unlocking 50% of the gallery.

Epic Gallery (15 gamerscore points):
Awarded for unlocking 75% of the gallery.

Legendary Gallery (20 gamerscore points):
Awarded for unlocking 100% of the gallery.

A Hero Challenges The World (20 gamerscore points):
Awarded for winning 10 ranked matches on Xbox LIVE.

A Hero Battles The World (30 gamerscore points):
Awarded for winning 30 ranked matches on Xbox LIVE.

A Hero Conqueres The World (60 gamerscore points):
Awarded for winning 60 ranked matches on Xbox LIVE.

Not all cheat has been tested or confirmed. If this cheat don't work, please click on
"Submit cheat" and make a modification request. - Thank you !

Sunday 11 January 2009

Guitar Hero WTH & Cheats

Cheat Effect
Green, Red, Yellow, Blue, Red, Yellow, Blue, Green - Extra Line 6 Tones
Green, Green, Red, Red, Yellow, Red, Yellow, Blue - Always Slide
Green, Red, Blue, Green, Red, Blue, Blue, Green - Unlock Nick
Blue, Red, Blue, Blue, Yellow, Yellow, Yellow, Green - Unlock Johnny Viper
Blue, Red, Green, Green, Yellow, Yellow, Yellow, Green - Unlock Rina
Blue, Red, Yellow, Yellow, Yellow, Yellow, Yellow, Green - Unlock Aaron Steele

Red, Red, Blue, Yellow, Green, Green, Green, Yellow - Air Instruments
Green, Red, Yellow, Yellow, Yellow, Blue, Blue, Green - Invisible Rocker
Yellow, Yellow, Blue, Red, Blue, Green, Red, Red - Performance Mode
Green, Blue, Red, Yellow, Yellow, Red, Green, Green - Hyper Speed
Yellow, Green, Red, Blue, Blue, Blue, Blue, Red - Auto Kick
Blue, Blue, Red, Green, Green, Blue, Blue, Yellow - Unlock All Quick Play Songs
Yellow, Green, Red, Red, Green, Blue, Red, Yellow - AT&T Ball Park
Blue, Red, Red, Green, Red, Green, Red, Yellow - Gem Colors
Green, Red, Green, Blue, Red, Red, Yellow, Blue - Flame Colors
Red, Red, Yellow, Red, Blue, Red, Red, Blue - Star Colors
Red, Green, Green, Yellow, Blue, Green, Yellow,Green - Vocal Fireball

Friday 9 January 2009

NFS Underground 2 & Cheats

Cheat Effect
gimmevisual1 - Unlocks Visual Upgrades Tier 1
gimmevisual2 - Unlcoks Visual Upgrades Tier 2
needperformance1 - Unlocks Performance Upgrades Tier 1
needperformance2 - Unlcoks Performance Upgrades Tier 2
goforoldspice - Unlocks Old Spice Sponsor Vinyl *works in career*

needmybestbuy - Unlocks Best Buy Sponsor Vinyl *works in career*
gotmycingular - Unlocks Cingular Sponsor Vinyl * works in career*
gottahavebk - Unlocks Burger King Sponsor Vinyl *works in career*
gottaedge - Unlocks Edge Sponsor Vinyl *works in career*
ordermebaby - Gives $1,000 to start Career mode, and Unlocks Nissan Skyline and Mazda RX-8 in Quick Race
opendoors - The Doors sponsor car
yodogg - Snoop Dogg sponsor car
wannacapone - Capone sponsor car
shinestreetbright - ShinestStreet sponsor car
wantmyd3 - D3 sponsor car
davidchoeart - David Choe sponsor car
tunejapantuning - Japantuning sponsor car
gimmechingy - Chingy Navigator sponsor car
gottaedge - Edge vinyl in Career mode
regmybank - Extra 200 in the bank in Career Mode